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Five S.M.A.R.T. steps to achieving your 2018 Goals



Successful people plan for their success; it does not just happen. Achieving anything significant in life requires thoughtful planning, deliberate and measured action and consistent effort. A new year is the perfect time to evaluate where you are and where you want to go.

Sometimes the goal may seem daunting (owning a house, pursuing higher education, changing careers for example), but taking a S.M.A.R.T. approach to planning for and achieving your goals, will put you on a self-guided path to fulfilling your big dream(s)!


Follow these guidelines to set S.M.A.R.T goals to transform your life, one small step at a time:

  • Be SPECIFIC: Begin by assessing where you are at in every key facet of your life. Our Life By Design template can help you to map this out. Assess your current level of progress and satisfaction with your Career, Education, Health, Fitness, Relationships, and Spirituality etc. Next, prioritize which area(s) need your immediate focus. Pick one or two areas and establish a couple of key goals that will take you closer to achieving your vision for your life.
  • Make the goal(s) MEASURABLE: Set clear quantifiable goals that can be monitored and measured over-time. Track your progress and reward yourself for your achievements. Be mindful not to allow temporary setbacks to stymie your progress and get back on track immediately so as not to let your dreams elude you.
  • Is the goal ATTAINABLE: Make a list of the sequential and actionable steps you will need to achieve your goal and make an honest assessment of whether your planned actions can make it happen. Make use of the many useful resources available on line to guide this process, like this free Smart Goals Guide. If your objective were to land a new job or to get a promotion, what would it take to get there? Do you need to acquire new skills? Is your current level of education sufficient? Consider getting guidance and advice or attending an information session at an accredited business school. Assess the requirements to enroll, the time commitment, evaluate the cost and explore the benefits you will derive towards advancing your career.
  • Is the goal RELEVANT: Evaluate whether achieving the goal will contribute to achieving the life that you want. Time is a valuable resource, so you need to use it wisely.
  • Ensure that the goal is TIME-BOUND: Make a serious assessment of the time commitment required to achieve the goal. Monitor your progress and set timelines for the attainment of every sequential milestone that will lead to the attainment of your goal by a fixed date.

Follow these guidelines to emerge at the end of 2018 with a sense of achievement having moved closer to attaining your important goals.

If starting a Masters/MBA/Doctorate programme is a part of your 2018 plan, contact us to receive Academic Advice towards achieving this goal: admissions@lokjackgsb.edu.tt


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