Feeling stuck in analysis paralysis? Contemplating pursuing your Masters or Doctorate degree but still unsure whether you should take the plunge?
As sure as the sun shines, there will always be reasons to put off getting started: Family commitments, hectic work schedules, Mortgage payments, the list goes on. If you are not careful, your goal may permanently elude you and limit your future opportunities.
Consider these five (5) compelling reasons to stop procrastinating and pursue that postgraduate degree right now:
1. An Investment in YOU
Education is something that no one can take from you, even when the context in uncertain. Skills that you gain and lifelong lessons learnt while doing a postgraduate degree will stay with you for a lifetime. Investing in yourself means that even when you move from one job or company to another, the value you would have earned with a higher certification will give you the mobility and flexibility you need in your career. A succession of goals will fall into place and be achieved the more you take the progressive steps you need to build yourself.
There will always be events and circumstances that arise in life, which may present themselves as obstacles to your professional development. Life is unpredictable and waiting for “perfect” conditions to exist is just a fallacy. Making the commitment now, will ensure that you are on track and well poised for life changes to come. Education is the foundation upon which you can make sound personal decisions, prepare yourself to leverage on the life changing professional opportunities and to knock on the doors that only Postgraduate education will open for you. Remember that while you are thinking about waiting for the right time, others will be getting ahead of you professionally.
Most graduates of Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business look back and reflect on how fast the time flies. For the most part, in spite of the challenges, everything eventually falls into place.
The Business landscape is becoming more competitive and increasingly challenging to retain market share, stimulate customer engagement and be profitable. Professional survival will depend on remaining relevant through continuous learning and keeping abreast of new trends and approaches to navigating business challenges. The desirable jobs will go to the best and the brightest, who can demonstrate leadership and ingenuity in solving business problems. The ability to do rather than speak alone is an attribute well sought after in these times. Are you prepared?
Getting anything done these days depends on your network. As a postgraduate student, you get access to a network of business professionals, faculty and alumni (sometimes potential employers!) that you won't normally have access to on a day to day basis. It gets better when this network is GLOBAL. With our AMBA accredited MBA’s and the international scope brought to bear in all of our Masters Programmes, you will increase your marketability and access to job opportunities beyond Trinidad and Tobago. Imagine international internships with prominent global companies! Job opportunities you only dream of!
With a weakening economy in Trinidad and Tobago, access to the GATE and HELP Government assistance programmes will disappear. Fortunately, the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business is one of the few ACTT accredited institutions in Trinidad and Tobago, which makes us eligible for GATE funding for our programmes.
To be eligible for GATE funding for a Master's Degree, you must be a citizen of T&T, under 50 years of age, who has not previously been funded for a post-grad degree. With GATE approval, you can also access a HELP loan; probably the most flexible and affordable financing option currently available. Act now to seize this diminishing opportunity!
Of course, there are other reasons you should start right away such as:
- Better chances of a higher salary
- Job Promotion
- Developing priceless Leadership Skills
- Starting your own company and excelling at it
- +MORE (but we'll just give you just 5 for now)
Contrary to what you may thinking and feeling, now is the best time to seize the opportunity for the life-changing and rewarding experience of a Masters or Doctorate Degree!
Find out how you can start now! Speak with an advisor today.
Email us at admissions@lokjackgsb.edu.tt or call 645-6700 ext 200.