Two MBAs? The Lok Jack GSB International MBA provides the means to earn two masters degrees simultaneously while helping you gain leadership expertise.
Here's what one alum had to say about his dual degree International MBA experience:
Name: Omkar R. Seetahal
Age: 28
Occupation: Student
My International IMBA Experience
"On my journey to being the best version of myself, I found myself at a challenge day event at ALJGSB in August 2015 where my team eventually won and was awarded a partial scholarship for the International MBA programme. This swayed me into pursuing business studies at the school while I worked as a self-created Project Engineer at Caribbean Airlines Limited.
I was able to select a very diverse and educated group for the degree and build friendships that translated into easy academic success. After one year, I became eligible to transfer to FIU as a dual degree student and earn two Masters degrees simultaneously but most importantly have an opportunity to work for a foreign aerospace multinational corporation where I believed my talents could be utilized to full potential. I had to leave my job but took the opportunity regardless of the high financial burden and I relished every single moment.
At FIU, the programme is not cohort-based so students are typically placed in random groups, however I usually became the team leader and eventually maintained a 4.0 GPA. I was selected as the team leader for my group’s Masters project that was a real-life consulting project for Wendy’s International. More importantly, the Associate Dean asked me to coordinate a research project for an international IT firm during the final couple months of my programme and we delivered successfully.
In retrospect, the opportunities to showcase my leadership quality has been very impactful on my life as I have developed more trust in this ability and believe that I can lead a charge to positively disrupt this world."
Want to take control of your career and have the right skills to not only retain your job but rise above? Then download the Lok Jack GSB International MBA brochure and apply now for the September 2017 Intake!
Register here for our upcoming Gamification & Design Challenge Day to compete in team academic challenges to win partial scholarships for the International MBA.